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Ikarus User Constants

In the Constants file, you'll find user variables that control various aspects, including the debug output of Ikarus. You can customize these variables to suit your needs.


  • const string MEM_FARFARAWAY
    Waypoint where the Mem-Helper is spawned (default: "TOT")
  • const string MEM_HELPER_NAME
    Name of the Mem-Helper (default: "MEMHLP")


  • const int zERR_ErrorBoxOnlyForFirst
    Controls whether only the first error should trigger an error box (default: 1).
  • const int zERR_StackTraceOnlyForFirst
    Determines if stack traces should be displayed only for the first error (default: 0).


The MEM_Debug function allows you to set up a custom message channel for debugging purposes. You can adjust the following variables to configure this channel:

  • const string zERR_DEBUG_PREFIX
    Specifies a prefix to be added to each debug message (default: "Debug: ").
  • const int zERR_DEBUG_TOSPY
    Controls whether MEM_Debug messages should be sent to zSpy (default: 1).
  • const int zERR_DEBUG_TYPE
    Specifies the message type for MEM_Debug messages when sent to zSpy (default: zERR_TYPE_INFO).
  • const int zERR_DEBUG_TOSCREEN
    Determines whether MEM_Debug messages should be printed to the screen (default: 0).
  • const int zERR_DEBUG_ERRORBOX
    Allows you to display an error box for MEM_Debug messages (default: 0).

Error message types

const int zERR_TYPE_OK    = 0; /* [ungenutzt]        */
const int zERR_TYPE_INFO  = 1; /* MEM_Info           */
const int zERR_TYPE_WARN  = 2; /* MEM_Warn           */
const int zERR_TYPE_FAULT = 3; /* MEM_Error          */
const int zERR_TYPE_FATAL = 4; /* [ungenutzt]        */