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Configuration file access

This part of Ikarus gives you access to Gothic.ini and loaded mod configuration files.


The best way to initialize all Ikarus functions is to call MEM_InitAll() in the Init_Global() initialization function.


If you want to use Ikarus in Gothic 1, it is best to define your own Init_Global() function and call it from every world initialization function.



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Read functions


Returns the contents of the command line passed to Gothic.

func string MEM_GetCommandLine()
Return value

The function returns contents of the command line passed to Gothic. This could, for example, look like this:



Searches the Gothic.ini for an option.

func string MEM_GetGothOpt(var string sectionname, var string optionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [GAME]
  • var string optionname
    One setting entry like playLogoVideos

Return value

The function returns an option value as a string or empty string if option was not found.


Searches the loaded mod ini file for option.

func void MEM_GetModOpt(var string sectionname, var string optionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [INFO]
  • var string optionname
    One setting entry like Title

Return value

The function returns an option value as a string or empty string if option was not found.


Checks whether a section exists in Gothic.ini

func int MEM_GothOptSectionExists(var string sectionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [GAME]

Return value

The function returns TRUE if section exists FALSE is returned otherwise.


Checks whether a section exists in loaded mod ini file

func int MEM_ModOptSectionExists(var string sectionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [INFO]

Return value

The function returns TRUE if section exists FALSE is returned otherwise.


Checks whether an option exists in Gothic.ini

func int MEM_GothOptExists(var string sectionname, var string optionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [GAME]
  • var string optionname
    One setting entry like playLogoVideos

Return value

The function returns TRUE if option in a section exist FALSE is returned otherwise.


Checks whether an option exists in loaded mod ini file

func int MEM_ModOptExists(var string sectionname, var string optionname)
  • var string sectionname
    Settings section like [INFO]
  • var string optionname
    One setting entry like Title

Return value

The function returns TRUE if option in a section exist FALSE is returned otherwise.

Write functions


Mod configuration is never saved to disk, therefore no separate functions exist for writing to it.


The option option in the section section is set to the value. If the section and/or option does not exist, it will be created.

func void MEM_SetGothOpt(var string section, var string option, var string value)
  • var string section
    The section where the option should be located
  • var string option
    Option to write/overwrite
  • var string value
    Value to set the option to


Applies the changes and saves the ini to disk

func void MEM_ApplyGothOpt()


If you introduce new options, it is best to follow certain practices. It is a good practice to name your options in a clear manner and place them in a section named the same as your mod. Do not place your mod options into the [GAME] or [PERFORMANCE] sections.

Key functions

The Gothic.ini contains the assignment of physical keys (e.g. "W") to logical keys (e.g. "keyUp").


Returns the primary key assigned to logical key.

func int MEM_GetKey(var string name)
  • var string name
    Name of the logical key

Return value

The function returns key assigned to logical key


Returns a secondary key assigned to logical key.

func int MEM_GetSecondaryKey(var string name)
  • var string name
    Name of the logical key

Return value

The function returns key assigned to logical key


Sets keyboard keys of the logical key.

func void MEM_SetKeys(var string name, var int primary, var int secondary)


Sets the primary keyboard key of the logical key.

func void MEM_SetKey(var string name, var int key)


Sets the secondary keyboard key of the logical key.

func void MEM_SetSecondaryKey(var string name, var int key)