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Keyboard interaction

This part of Ikarus implements function that make interaction with keyboard possible.


Keyboard interaction is also implemented with gameKeyEvents.d


The best way to initialize all Ikarus functions is to call MEM_InitAll() in the Init_Global() initialization function.


If you want to use Ikarus in Gothic 1, it is best to define your own Init_Global() function and call it from every world initialization function.



Ikarus.d on GitHub



Different players use different keys for specific actions! However, it is possible to get key assigned to the action from Gothic.ini. See Ini access.


Checks if the key is hold right at the moment of function call.

func int MEM_KeyPressed(var int key)
  • var int key
    Checked key

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the key is hold, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Returns the state of the key.

func int MEM_KeyState(var int key)
  • var int key
    Checked key

Return value

The function returns actual key state.

Key states

  • KEY_UP - The key is not pressed and was not pressed before. ("not pressed")
  • KEY_PRESSED - The key is pressed and was not previously pressed. ("new pressed")
  • KEY_HOLD - The key is pressed and was also pressed before. ("still pressed")
  • KEY_RELEASED - The key is not pressed and was previously pressed. ("let go")

KEY_PRESSED or KEY_RELEASED will be returned if the state of the key has changed since the last query.

KEY_UP or KEY_HOLD are returned if the state has not changed.


Makes the game think that the key was pressed.

func void MEM_InsertKeyEvent(var int key)
  • var int key
    Key to be "pressed"