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Set of functions for working with zCObject and its subclasses instances.


The best way to initialize all Ikarus functions is to call MEM_InitAll() in the Init_Global() initialization function.


If you want to use Ikarus in Gothic 1, it is best to define your own Init_Global() function and call it from every world initialization function.



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Global instances

Ikarus package introduces the following instances:

instance MEM_Game (oCGame);
instance MEM_World(oWorld);
instance MEM_Timer(zCTimer);
instance MEM_WorldTimer(oCWorldTimer);
instance MEM_Vobtree(zCTree);
instance MEM_InfoMan(oCInfoManager);
instance MEM_InformationMan (oCInformationManager);
instance MEM_Waynet(zCWaynet);
instance MEM_Camera(zCCamera);
instance MEM_SkyController(zCSkyController_Outdoor);
instance MEM_SpawnManager (oCSpawnManager);
instance MEM_GameMananger (CGameManager);
instance MEM_GameManager (CGameManager);
instance MEM_Parser(zCParser);

The classes used here all have one thing in common: there is a maximum of one object of them at the same time (e.g. there is not two worlds or two sky at the same time).

MEM_InitGlobalInst function sets the offsets of these instances to the corresponding unique object. While it has been called, all of the above instances can be used.


Initializes global instances of commonly used objects in the game (is called by the MEM_InitAll function).

func void MEM_InitGlobalInst()


MEM_InitGlobalInst must be executed once after loading a savegame. The easiest way is do it is to call this function from INIT_GLOBAL.


About zCClassDef

For every class (derived from zCObject) there is an "administrative object" of type zCClassDef. This encapsulates some useful information about all objects in this class.

class zCClassDef {
    var string className;            //zSTRING
    var string baseClassName;        //zSTRING
    var string scriptClassName;      //zSTRING
    var int baseClassDef;            //zCClassDef*
    var int createNewInstance;       //zCObject* ( *) (void) 
    var int createNewInstanceBackup; //zCObject* ( *) (void)
    var int classFlags;              //zDWORD
    var int classSize;               //zDWORD
    var int numLivingObjects;
    var int numCtorCalled;
    var int hashTable;               //zCObject**
    var int objectList_array;        //zCObject**
    var int objectList_numAlloc;     //int
    var int objectList_numInArray;   //int
    var int bitfield;

Full Ikarus definition of this class, with members description can be found in Misc.d file. The class is same for G1 and G2A engines.


Returns a pointer to the zCClassDef of the object. For more info see the About zCClassDef section above.

Passing these functions a pointer that does not point to a zCObject will most likely result in a crash lead.

func int MEM_GetClassDef(var int objPtr)
  • var int objPtr
    A pointer to the object whose class definition is to be retrieved

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the zCClassDef of the object.


This would return a pointer to the zCClassDef object that belongs to the oCNpc class.

func int example1
    var int her; her = MEM_InstToPtr(hero);
    return MEM_GetClassDef(her);


This function returns the name of the class to which an object belongs.

func string MEM_GetClassName(var int objPtr)
  • var int objPtr
    A pointer to the object whose class name is to be retrieved

Return value

The function returns the objects class name as a string, if the object is invalid an empty string is returned.


This would return a name of the oCNpc class as a string.

func string example2
    var int her; her = MEM_InstToPtr(hero);
    return MEM_GetClassName(her);
// return: "oCNpc"


Checks if an object is derived from a specific class definition.

func int MEM_CheckInheritance(var int objPtr, var int classDef)
  • var int objPtr
    A pointer to the object to be checked
  • var int classDef
    A pointer to the class definition to check against

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the object is derived from the specified class definition, FALSE is returned otherwise.


In addition MEM_CheckInheritance function has some overloads with hardcoded classDef parameter.

func int Hlp_Is_oCMobFire(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_zCMover(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMob(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobInter(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobLockable(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobContainer(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobDoor(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobBed(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobSwitch(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobWheel(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCMobLadder(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCNpc(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_oCItem(var int ptr){};
func int Hlp_Is_zCVobLight(var int ptr){};

The usage of these functions is probably obvious, they checks if the given object belongs to class given in the function name.


Inserts a Vob with the visual vis at the waypoint wp. If the visual or waypoint does not exist, this is the behaviour this function undefined.


The inserted Vob is even an oCMob, so it can be given a focus name, for example. But you can treat it like a zCVob), if you don't need the additional properties.

func int MEM_InsertVob(var string vis, var string wp)
  • var string vis
  • var string wp
    Name of the waypoint to insert Vob on

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the created object.


Deletes a specific Vob form world.

func void MEM_DeleteVob(var int vobPtr)
  • var int vobPtr
    Pointer to a zCVob object to be deleted


Renames the passed Vob to the newName that is also passed.

The object becomes this first removed from the Vob-hashtable, then unnamed and then again inserted into the Vob-hashtable under a new name.

func void MEM_RenameVob(var int vobPtr, var string newName)
  • var int vobPtr
    Pointer to a zCVob object to be renamed
  • var string newName
    The new Name of the Vob


Sends a trigger message to the Vob.

func void MEM_TriggerVob(var int vobPtr)
  • var int vobPtr
    Pointer to a triggered zCVob


If triggering the Vob has immediate effects (even before MEM_TriggerVob is exited), the name of the Vob is corrupted during this time. It is not advisable to rename, trigger again or destroy the object at this moment, the behavior in such cases is untested.


Sends an untrigger message to the Vob.

func void MEM_TriggerVob(var int vobPtr)
  • var int vobPtr
    Pointer to an untriggered zCVob


If untriggering the Vob has immediate effects (even before MEM_TriggerVob is exited), the name of the Vob is corrupted during this time. It is not advisable to rename, trigger again or destroy the object at this moment, the behavior in such cases is untested.


Returns the address of a zCVob named str if such a Vob exists.

func int MEM_SearchVobByName(var string str)
  • var string str
    Name of searched zCVob

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the zCVob if the object with the given name exist. 0 is returned otherwise.


Variation of MEM_SearchVobByName. Creates a zCArray in which all pointers are to Vobs with the name str. If no Vob with the name exists, an empty zCArray is created. A pointer to the created zCArray is then returned. This can be evaluated, but should be released again with MEM_ArrayFree before the end of the frame (before the player can load) to avoid memory leaks.

func int MEM_SearchAllVobsByName(var string str)
  • var string str
    Name of searched zCVob

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the created zCArray, that contains pointers to the all Vobs with the specified name.


Calculates the CRC32 hash value from a byte array starting at the address specified by buf and having a length of buflen.

func int MEM_GetBufferCRC32(var int buf, var int buflen)
  • var int buf
    Address of a byte array, the hash calculation will begin from

  • var int buflen
    The length of the byte array starting from the address specified by buf

Return value

The function returns the calculated CRC32 hash value.


Calculates the CRC32 hash value for a string.

func int MEM_GetStringHash(var string str)
  • var string str
    A string for which the hash value is to be calculated

Return value

The function returns an integer representing the calculated hash value for the input string.