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This package allows you to easily create status effects that can affect any NPC. Status effects on the hero are displayed graphically in a bar.



Initialize with LeGo_Buffs flag.



This package is still experimental and not included in the LeGo_All initialization flag.


Buffs.d on GitHub



Applies a status effect to an NPC.

func int Buff_Apply(var C_NPC npc, var int buff)
  • var C_NPC npc
    NPC to be affected by this effect

  • var int buff
    The instance of the effect to apply to the NPC

Return value

The function returns the handle of the buff, which was just generated.


Buff_Apply, but nothing happens if a status effect of that kind is already on the NPC.

func int Buff_ApplyUnique(var C_NPC npc, var int buff)
  • var C_NPC npc
    NPC to be affected by this effect

  • var int buff
    The instance of the effect to apply to the NPC

Return value

The function returns the handle of the buff, which was just generated or 0 if the buff is already applied on the NPC.


Buff_Apply, but if a status effect of this type is already affecting the NPC, the duration will be reset.

func int Buff_ApplyOrRefresh(var C_NPC n, var int buff)
  • var C_NPC npc
    NPC to be affected by this effect

  • var int buff
    The instance of the effect to apply to the NPC

Return value

The function returns the handle of the buff, which was just generated or refreshed.


Resets the duration of the buff.

func void Buff_Refresh(var int buffHandle)
  • var int buffHandle
    Handle of the buff to refresh


Removes the buff from the all NPCs.

func void Buff_Remove(var int buffHandle)
  • var int buffHandle
    Handle of the buff to remove


Removes the buffs form the NPC.

func void Buff_RemoveAll(var C_NPC npc, var int buffInstance)
  • var C_NPC npc
    NPC whose buff should be removed


Returns a pointer to the NPC, which is affected by the buff.

func int Buff_GetNpc(var int buffHandle)
  • var int buffHandle
    Handle of the buff

Return value

The function returns a pointer to the NPC, which is affected by the buff.


Checks if the NPC already has an effect applied.

func int Buff_Has(var C_NPC npc, var int buff)
  • var C_NPC npc
    Checked NPC

  • var int buff
    The instance of the effect

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the NPC has an effect applied. FALSE is returned otherwise.


Same as MEM_GetFuncID but gets the current instance.

func int SAVE_GetFuncID(var func f)

var func f
Function whose ID is got

Return value

The function returns the ID of given function.

lCBuff class

The buffs package implements an lCBuff class, which looks like this:

class lCBuff
    var string name;    // buff name 
    var int buffType;   // GOOD / NEUTRAL / BAD | 1 / 0 / -1
    var int targetID;   // NPC that is currently affected by this buff
    var int durationMS; // buff duration in milliseconds
    var int tickMS;     // tick duration in milliseconds, first tick occurs at tickMS milliseconds
    var int nextTickNr; // e.g. before the first tick this will be 0; OBSOLETE, remove when possible

    var int OnApply; 
    var int OnTick;
    var int OnRemoved;

    var string buffTex;  // associated texture - currently only used for buffs applied on the hero
    // var int originID; // Who casted/created this buff?

    // Internal, no need to set during instance construction
    var int _startedTime;
    var int _endTime;    // Not redundant with durationMS because buffs can be refreshed


Delayed poison

instance deadly_poison(lCBuff)
    name = "Deadly poison";
    bufftype = BUFF_BAD;

    durationMS = 10*1000; // 10 seconds long
    tickMS = 1000;        // Every second

    buffTex = "POISON.TGA";

Damage should also be added:

func void deadly_poison_damage(var int buffHandle)
    var int ptr; ptr = Buff_GetNpc(buffHandle);
    if (!ptr) { return; }; // Can happen if e.g. the world was changed

    var C_NPC npc; npc = _^(ptr);
    Npc_ChangeAttribute(npc, ATR_HITPOINTS, -3); // 3 damage
For complicated technical reasons we use the function SAVE_GetFuncID instead of MEM_GetFuncID.
instance deadly_poison(lCBuff)
    name = "Deadly poison";
    bufftype = BUFF_BAD;

    durationMS = 10 * 1000; //10 seconds long
    tickMS = 1000; // Every second

    onTick = SAVE_GetFuncID(deadly_poison_damage); // The damage should be applied every second
    buffTex = "POISON.TGA";

For example, if this buff is now applied to the hero, by calling Buff_Apply(hero, deadly_poison), he loses a total of 30 HP over 10 seconds.