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This package implements Gothic in-game mouse cursor support. To visually display the cursor there is a Cursor.tga file in the resources, but the texture can be changed in user constants.


The cursor only works if the mouse is activated in the Gothic settings. It can be done directly from the scripts. See the Ini file access.



Initialize with LeGo_Cursor flag.



Cursor.d on GitHub


  • var int Cursor_X
    Always contains the X coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  • var int Cursor_Y
    Always contains the Y coordinate of the mouse cursor.
  • var float Cursor_RelX
    Always contains the relative X coordinate of the mouse cursor as an Ikarus float.
  • var float Cursor_RelY
    Always contains the relative Y coordinate of the mouse cursor as an Ikarus float.
  • var int Cursor_Wheel
    Variable containing the value of the mouse wheel.
  • var int Cursor_Left
    Variable that always contains the KeyState of the left mouse button.
  • var int Cursor_Mid
    Variable that always contains the KeyState of the middle mouse button.
  • var int Cursor_Right
    Variable that always contains the KeyState of the right mouse button.
  • var int Cursor_Event
    An event handler that can send information about the mouse cursor. It can be used with all functions of the EventHandler package.
  • var int Cursor_NoEngine
    Variable that can prevent the engine from working. If is set to TRUE the engine no longer reacts to mouse movements.



Hides the displayed mouse cursor.

func void Cursor_Hide()


Shows the mouse cursor.

func void Cursor_Show()


Can manually enable or disable the mouse.

func void SetMouseEnabled(var int enabled)
  • var int enabled
    TRUE - Mouse activated


Click a button

We use a View to display a button to be clicked. The FrameFunctions take care of the loop to check whether a click was made.

var int Button;
func void Example1()
    // We show the cursor and at the same time a button to be clicked:

    // New View:
    Button = View_CreatePxl(5, 5, 125, 50);
    View_SetTexture(Button, "BUTTONTEX.TGA");

    // Optionally, mouse can be switched off for the engine:
    Cursor_NoEngine = true; // -> The engine then no longer reacts to movements, so the camera does not move either

    // Enable loop function:

func void Button_Click()
    if(Cursor_Left != KEY_PRESSED) { return; }; // Exit the function if the left mouse button was not pressed

    if(Cursor_X >= 5 && Cursor_X <= 125
    && Cursor_Y >= 5 && Cursor_Y <= 50) // Simply take over the coordinates of the view
        // Here the button was clicked.
        // Remove button and end loop:
        Button = 0;

        // Allow the engine to continue working:
        Cursor_NoEngine = false;


        // Hide the mouse:

This also can be done by the Buttons package instead of View.

Event handler

Since LeGo 2.2 there is also an event handler (var int Cursor_Event) in the cursor package. This example briefly explains how it works:

func void Example2()
    // We register MyCursorListener as the handler/listener of the Cursor_Event:
    Event_Add(Cursor_Event, MyCursorListener);

    // From now on, MyCursorListener will be called whenever the cursor has something to report.

func void MyCursorListener(var int state)
    // The rest is self-explanatory:

    if(state == CUR_WheelUp)
        PrintS("Wheel up!");
    if(state == CUR_WheelDown)
        PrintS("Wheel down!");
    if(state == CUR_LeftClick)
    if(state == CUR_RightClick)
    if(state == CUR_MidClick)
Constants used in the example can be found in the user constants.