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Hashtables package is an implementation of hashtables in Gothic. Currently (version 2.8.0) only integers are supported as keys. The Hashtables grow automatically.



Initialize with LeGo_PermMem flag.



Hashtable.d on GitHub



Generates a hashtable of the specified size.

func int HT_CreateSized(var int size)
  • var int size
    Size of the hashtable to be created

Return value

The function returns a handle to the created hashtable.


Generates a standard size hashtable.

func int HT_Create()
Return value

The function returns a handle to the created hashtable.


Inserts a value into the Hashtable.

func void HT_Insert(var int handle, var int val, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int val
    The value to be inserted
  • var int key
    The key associated with the value


Changes the size of the hashtable (usually not necessary as it happens automatically).

func void HT_Resize(var int handle, var int size)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int size
    The new size of the hashtable


Reads a value from the hashtable.

func int HT_Get(var int handle, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int key
    The key whose value is to be read

Return value

The function returns the value associated with the key.


Checks if the key already exist in hashtable.

func int HT_Has(var int handle, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int key
    The key to be checked Return value

The function returns TRUE if the key exist, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Removes a key from the hashtable.

func void HT_Remove(var int handle, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int key
    The key to be removed


Changes the value of a key already existing in the hashtable.

func void HT_Change(var int handle, var int val, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int val
    The new value
  • var int key
    The key whose value is to be changed


Inserts a value into the Hashtable, or changes the value if the key already exist into hashtable.

func void HT_InsertOrChange(var int handle, var int val, var int key)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var int val
    The new value
  • var int key
    The key whose value is to be changed or associated with the value.


Returns the number of entries in a hashtable.

func int HT_GetNumber(var int handle)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable

Return value

The function returns the number of entries in the hashtable.


Performs a function for each value pair in the hashtable.

func void HT_ForEach(var int handle, var func fnc)
  • var int handle
    Handle of a hashtable
  • var func fnc
    A function with signature void (int key, int val)


Deletes the hashtable.

func void HT_Destroy(var int handle)
  • var int handle
    The handle of the hashtable to be deleted


Simple operations

func void PrintKeyValuePair(var int key, var int val)
    Print(ConcatStrings(ConcatStrings("Key: ", IntToString(key)), ConcatStrings(", Value: ", IntToString(val))));

func void example()
    // Create a new hashtable
    var int hashtableHandle; hashtableHandle = HT_Create();

    // Insert values into the hashtable
    HT_Insert(hashtableHandle, 42, 1);
    HT_Insert(hashtableHandle, 23, 2);
    HT_Insert(hashtableHandle, 56, 3);

    // Get a value from the hashtable
    var int value; value = HT_Get(hashtableHandle, 2);
    Print(ConcatStrings("Value associated with key 2: ", IntToString(value)));

    // Check if a key exists in the hashtable
    if (HT_Has(hashtableHandle, 3))
        Print("Key 3 exists in the hashtable.");
        Print("Key 3 does not exist in the hashtable.");

    // Remove a key from the hashtable
    HT_Remove(hashtableHandle, 1);

    // Change the value associated with a key
    HT_Change(hashtableHandle, 99, 3);

    // Insert a value or change it if the key exists
    HT_InsertOrChange(hashtableHandle, 123, 4);

    // Get the number of entries in the hashtable
    var int numEntries; numEntries = HT_GetNumber(hashtableHandle);
    Print(ConcatStrings("Number of entries in the hashtable: ", IntToString(numEntries)));

    // Iterate through the hashtable and print key-value pairs
    // Function from top of the example is used here
    HT_ForEach(hashtableHandle, PrintKeyValuePair);

    // Destroy the hashtable