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User constants

All constants that the user can either use or even change freely are defined in Userconst.d file.

Read only

These constants may only be used, not changed.


These constants are used by Anim8 and Anim8q.

  • const int A8_Constant
    Constant movement speed
  • const int A8_SlowEnd
    Evenly decelerated movement
  • const int A8_SlowStart
    Evenly accelerated movement
  • const int A8_Wait
    Do nothing. The target value is ignored here


The following bit masks can be applied to the status of a button:

  • const int BUTTON_ACTIVE
    The button is active, it reacts to the mouse
  • const int BUTTON_ENTERED
    The mouse is "within" the button



  • const int PS_X and const int PS_Y
    Use with Print_Screen or Print_ToVirtual functions
  • const int PS_VMax
    Highest possible value of a virtual coordinate


16 basic colors that can be used as zColor parameters

  • const int COL_Aqua
  • const int COL_Black
  • const int COL_Blue
  • const int COL_Fuchsia
  • const int COL_Gray
  • const int COL_Green
  • const int COL_Lime
  • const int COL_Maroon
  • const int COL_Navy
  • const int COL_Olive
  • const int COL_Purple
  • const int COL_Red
  • const int COL_Silver
  • const int COL_Teal
  • const int COL_White
  • const int COL_Yellow


Gamestate can assume these values:

  • const int Gamestate_NewGame
    New game started
  • const int Gamestate_Loaded
    A game has been loaded
  • const int Gamestate_WorldChange
    The world has changed
  • const int Gamestate_Saving
    The game is saved


These constants are sent with Cursor_Event:

  • const int CUR_LeftClick
    The left mouse button was pressed
  • const int CUR_RightClick
    The right mouse button was pressed
  • const int CUR_MidClick
    The middle mouse button was pressed
  • const int CUR_WheelUp
    Mouse wheel up
  • const int CUR_WheelDown
    Mouse wheel down


These constants are often used by packages and may be changed freely.


  • const int BLOODSPLAT_NUM
    Maximum number on screen
  • const int BLOODSPLAT_TEX
    Highest Texture ID ("BLOODSPLAT" + texID + ".TGA")
  • const int BLOODSPLAT_DAM
    Texture size damage multiplier (damage * 2Bloodsplat_Dam)


  • const string Cursor_Texture
    This texture is used to display the cursor (default: "CURSOR.TGA")


  • const string Print_LineSeperator
    Text boxes can be printed in multiple lines. This character separates the lines from each other.


All position and size information is completely virtual:

  • const int PF_PrintX
    Start position on the X axis
  • const int PF_PrintY
    Start position on the Y axis
  • const int PF_TextHeight
    Space between individual lines

The times are given in ms:

  • const int PF_FadeInTime
    Time to fade in the text
  • const int PF_FadeOutTime
    Time to fade out the text
  • const int PF_MoveYTime
    Time needed to "slip down"
  • const int PF_WaitTime
    Time during which the print is fully visible

The font can be modified:

  • const string PF_Font
    Default: FONT_OLD_10_WHITE.TGA


  • const int AIV_TALENT
    Used AIVar


  • const string DIAG_Prefix
    Animation prefix ("DG_")
  • const string DIAG_Suffix
    Animation suffix ("_")