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CAST - data type conversion functions

External functions for data type conversion and pointer casting.


Converts memory address (pointer) to an instance

func instance Cast_PointerToInstance(var int address) {};
  • address - object pointer
  • return - instance of the object


Converts instance to a memory address (pointer)

func int Cast_InstanceToPointer( var instance object) {};
  • object - object instance
  • return - memory address (pointer) of the object


Casts memory address (pointer) to an NPC

func C_NPC Cast_PointerToNpc( var int address) {};
  • address - npc pointer
  • return - NPC instance


Casts memory address (pointer) to an Item

func C_ITEM Cast_PointerToItem( var int address) {};
  • address - item pointer
  • return - Item instance


Checks whether object is an NPC

func int Cast_InstanceIsNpc( var instance object) {};
  • object - object to check
  • return - TRUE or FALSE


Checks whether object is an Item

func int Cast_InstanceIsItem( var instance object) {};
  • object - object to check
  • return - TRUE or FALSE


Checks whether object is an MOB

func int Cast_InstanceIsMob( var instance object) {};
  • object - object to check
  • return - TRUE or FALSE


Returns symbolID of the object, returns -1 when not found

func int Cast_GetInstanceIndex( var instance object) {};
  • object - instance of an object
  • return - symbol table index, -1 when not found


Returns the class identifier of a class by its name

func int Cast_GetClassID( var string className ) {};
  • className - name of the class
  • return - class identifier


Returns class identifier of the zCObject vob class

func int Cast_GetVobClassID( var instance object ) {};
  • object - object instance
  • return - class zCObject identifier


Checks if the classId class is the parent class of the object

func int Cast_CheckVobClassID( var int classId, var instance object ) {};
  • classId - class identifier, from Cast_GetClassID function
  • object - object instance
  • return - class zCObject identifier