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MDL - model functions

Functions to tweak animation and other model related settings.


Returns animation's index for specified NPC based on animation's name

func int Mdl_GetAnimationIndex( var C_NPC npc, var string ani_name ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_name - name of the animation in uppercase
  • return - animation index


Returns animation's name for specified NPC based on animation's index

func string Mdl_GetAnimationName( var C_NPC npc, var int ani_index ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_index - animation index
  • return - animation name


Checks whether animation exists

func int Mdl_AnimationIsExists( var C_NPC npc, var int ani_index ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_index - animation index
  • return - animation name


Checks whether animation is active (whether it is currently played)

func int Mdl_AnimationIsActive( var C_NPC npc, var int ani_index ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_index - animation index
  • return - TRUE if the animation is playing, FALSE if it is not playing


Set framerate for all animations

func void Mdl_SetAllAnimationsFPS( var C_NPC npc, var float fps ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • fps - framerate


Reset framerate for all animations to default value

func void Mdl_ResetAllAnimationsFPS( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation


Set framerate for animation specified by animation index

func void Mdl_SetAnimationFPS( var C_NPC npc, var int ani_index, var float fps ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_index - animation index
  • fps - framerate


Reset framerate to default for animation specified by animation index

func void Mdl_ResetAnimationFPS( var C_NPC npc, var int ani_index ) {};
  • npc - NPC with the animation
  • ani_index - animation index


Set NPCs visibility

func void Mdl_SetVisible( var C_NPC npc, var int isVisible ) {};
  • npc - specified NPC
  • isVisible - TRUE - visible, FALSE - invisible


Applies or moves existing overlay to the top of the list

func void Mdl_ApplyOverlayMds_AtFirst( var string mdsName ) {};
  • mdsName - name of the overlay


Sets a multiplier for animation speed 1.0 = 100% speed (normal speed)

func void Mdl_SetNpcSpeedMultiplier( var C_Npc npc, var float multiplier ) {};
  • npc - npc to be affected
  • multiplier - speed of the animation


Resets the animation speed of an NPC

func void Mdl_ResetNpcSpeedMultiplier( var C_Npc npc ) {};
  • npc - npc to be affected