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NPC - character functions

NPC related functions.


Changes players character to specified npc

func void Npc_SetAsHero( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC to be set as players character


Opens NPCs main inventory

func void Npc_OpenInventory( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC


Opens the steal inventory of npc's focus NPC

func void Npc_OpenInventorySteal( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC


Start the trading dialogue with specified NPC

func void Npc_OpenInventoryTrade( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC


Returns an item in NPC's left hand slot

func C_Item Npc_GetLeftHandItem( var C_Npc npc ) {};
  • npc - npc to be affected
  • return - found C_ITEM instance


Returns an item in NPC's right hand slot

func C_Item Npc_GetRightHandItem( var C_Npc npc ) {};
  • npc - npc to be affected
  • return - found C_ITEM instance


Returns an item from a slot with the slotName

func C_Item Npc_GetSlotItem( var C_Npc npc, var string slotName ) {};
  • npc - npc to be affected
  • slotName - name of the slot
  • return - found C_ITEM instance


Places an instance of the oCVom class (including items and NPCs) object into the slotName of the NPC The copyInInv parameter determines whether a copy of the object should remain in the character's inventory

func void Npc_PutInSlot(var C_Npc npc, var string slotName, var instance object, var int copyInInv) {};
  • npc - npc to remove the item from
  • slotName - name of the slot from which to remove the item
  • object - object to be inserted into the slot
  • copyInInv - should a copy of the object stay in character inventory


Removes an object from the slotName of the NPC. The dropIt parameter in Gothic 2 defines, whether object should drop out of the slot. In Gothic 1, this parameter is reserved and must be 0.

func void Npc_RemoveFromSlot(var C_Npc npc, var string slotName, var int dropIt) {};
  • npc - npc to remove the item from
  • slotName - name of the slot from which to remove the item
  • dropIt - should the object be dropped