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Event functions

Event functions are functions sharing the same name. It can be defined multiple times but only once per file. Such functions are useful for implementing callback type functions. Every time an event is called, all instances of the same name will be called. The event is func with a return type event. Events are defined globally, meaning they ignore namespace they are in. To call an event from a script, use the external function Hlp_DoEvent(var string funcName).

func void GiveXP()

func event OnGiveXP()
    // TODO
    // This function can be defined in many files to do different things
    // more appropriate for that file's context and all of them will be
    // called, when function GiveXP (above) is called.

Plugin implements two of these event functions

  • func event GameInit() - called when entering the main menu on game start
  • func event GameLoop() - called every frame when a world is loaded

Define these in any file in your scripts, they will be automatically called