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MDS - model animation script


The MDS syntax is very simple and scripts can be edited in any text editor. It is, however, easier to work in an editor with a proper syntax highlighting. Daedalus Language Server's dev branch already merged the MDS grammar for syntax highlighting, we can expect it in the next release.

Model animation script is a file describing what skeleton should be used, what body meshes work with this set of animations and how should the animations be named, how fast they run, what animation is supposed to start after the current one is finished and much more. These files are located in Gothic\_work\DATA\Anims\ directory.

Whilst the code seems long and terrifying, it is in fact rather simple, and this guide will try to explain it whole.

Don't forget to use the search

If you search this file for t_Yes, you will get an example of the first type of animation - "standalone"

To play the animation in game you use this console command play ani t_yes.

Syntax and keywords

Let us get a quick look at the naming convention to get a basic idea what is going on before we start.

The first letter indicates a type of animation (transition - t_ - or state - s_). Then depending on the animation type we have:

Transition animation

Transition animation from the run animation to the sneak animation.
Transition animation for the blacksmith's anvil from standing to state 0.

State animation

State animation for the looping animation.
State animation for the blacksmith's anvil and its first state.


This is the main command you will be using while defining new animations.


ani    ("t_Yes" 2 "" 0.1 0.1 M. "Hum_Yes_M01.asc" F 1 44)
ani - is a keyword, we are defining new animation

Let's describe all the parameters

ANI_NAME - animation name, we use it in Daedalus as animation identifier

There is a naming convention, that is recommended and sometimes required to be used.

  • prefix t_ - transition animations
  • prefix s_ - state animations - they usually run in a loop
  • prefix c_ - animations used for animation combining/interpolation

LAYER - layer number for multi-layer animations

NEXT_ANI - name of the next animations

BLEND_IN - time in seconds describing animation blending at the start

If we set it to 0.5, it takes 0.5 seconds for this animation to take full effect. At 0.0 s the previous animation has full effect on the bones of the skeleton, at 0.1 s it is influenced by 20% by this animation and at 0.5s it is completely influenced by this animation and the previous one has no effect.

BLEND_OUT - time in seconds describing animation blending at the end

FLAGS - flags, that describe animation behavior

  • M - specifies a movement animation, the animation of the model translates into a changed position in the game world
  • R - the same as M but for rotation
  • E - this flag makes this animation run only, if the animation in the same layer are finished, this is used in the movement animations. The animation s_walk (walking loop animation) runs, when the player is walking,when he stops the transition animation to standing state is played t_walk_2_stand. This animation uses the E flag to wait for the walk cycle animation to finish, to smoothly transition into the standing state.
  • F - the engine ignores height coordinate - doesn't keep the model "glued" to the ground (falling/flying animation)
  • I - specifies idle animation - breathing, standing with a drawn weapon and moving the weapon

ASC_NAME - name of the source file exported from Blender

ANI_DIR - direction of the animation

  • F - forward
  • R - reverse

START_FRAME - on what frame from the source file the animation starts

END_FRAME - on what frame from the source file the animation ends


Generally considered as one of the most useful commands, aniAlias is used to create an alias (hard link for UNIX users) for an already defined animation.


aniAlias ("t_Sneak_2_Run" 1 "s_Run" 0.0    0.1    M. "t_Run_2_Sneak" R)

ANI_NAME - name of the new animation

LAYER - layer the animation is on

NEXT_ANI - name of the next animations

BLEND_IN - time in seconds describing animation blending at the start

BLEND_OUT - time in seconds describing animation blending at the end

FLAGS - flags, that describe animation behavior

ALIAS_NAME - name of the animation we want to use as a source for the alias

ANI_DIR - direction of the animation

If we look for the animation in the example we can see that there is a related one just one line above

ani            ("t_Run_2_Sneak" 1 "s_Sneak" 0.1 0.0 M. "Hum_Sneak_M01.asc"     F 0 10)
aniAlias    ("t_Sneak_2_Run" 1 "s_Run"      0.0 0.1 M. "t_Run_2_Sneak"      R)
In this example we are defining t_Sneak_2_Run animation and we are specifying that the animation after this one is finished will be s_Run and that it is being made by reversing animation t_Run_2_Sneak by specifying the R flag.


AniBlend is used to define animations that are a result of blending of two animations. This animation is not animated by hand, but it is dynamically generated by the engine during run-time.


aniBlend ("t_RunR_2_Run" "s_Run" 0.2 0.2)

ANI_NAME - name of the new animation

NEXT_ANI - name of the next animations

BLEND_IN - time in seconds describing animation blending at the start

BLEND_OUT - time in seconds describing animation blending at the end


Not used in the game.


Not used in the game.

Animation state machine

More complex animations such as MOBSI animations form a state machine - an animation set.

MDS script for the big chest
    meshAndTree ("CHESTBIG_OCCRATELARGE.asc")

// Closed chest
        ani         ("s_S0"                 1   "s_S0"  0.0 0.0 M.  "CHESTBIG_USE.asc"  F   20  20)
// Opening the chest 
        ani         ("t_S0_2_S1"            1   "s_S1"  0.0 0.0 M.  "CHESTBIG_USE.ASC"  F   50  79)
            *eventSFX   (50 "chest_try")
            *eventSFX   (55 "chest_open")
// Opened chest
        ani         ("s_S1"                 1   "s_S1"  0.0 0.0 M.  "CHESTBIG_USE.asc"  F   80  80)
// Closing the chest
        ani         ("t_S1_2_S0"            1   "s_S0"  0.0 0.0 M.  "CHESTBIG_USE.asc"  R   50  79)
            *eventSFX   (78 "chest_close")
// Pick lock broken
        ani         ("t_S0_Try"             1   "s_S0"  0.0 0.0 M.  "CHESTBIG_USE.asc"          F   96  124)
            *eventSFX   (100    "chest_try")
            *eventSFX   (115    "Hammer")
    s_S0      : Closed chest
    t_S0_2_S1 : Opening the chest
    s_S1      : Opened chest
    t_S1_2_S0 : Closing the chest
    t_S0_Try  : Pick lock broken
    [*] --> s_S0
    s_S0 --> s_S0

    s_S0 --> t_S0_2_S1
    t_S0_2_S1 --> s_S1
    s_S1 --> s_S1

    s_S1 --> t_S1_2_S0
    t_S1_2_S0 --> s_S0

    s_S0 --> t_S0_Try
    t_S0_Try --> s_S0