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This package extends the handling of the mouse and allows creating rectangular buttons, which react to mouse (hover) entry and exit as well as a mouse click.



Initialize with LeGo_Buttons flag.



Buffs.d on GitHub



Creates a button. It is initially hidden (not visible and does not react to the mouse). The three callback functions have the following signature void f(int handle).

func int Button_Create(var int posx, var int posy, var int width, var int height, var string tex, var func on_enter, var func on_leave, var func on_click)
  • var int posx
    The horizontal position of the button in virtual coordinates
  • var int posy
    The vertical position of the button in virtual coordinates
  • var int width
    Width of the button in virtual coordinates
  • var int height
    Height of the button in virtual coordinates
  • var string tex
    Name of the button texture
  • var func on_enter
    This function is called when the mouse enters the button
  • var func on_leave
    This function is called when the mouse leaves the button
  • var func on_click
    This function is called when the user performs a mouse click on the button (left mouse button)

Return value

The function returns a handle to created button.


Button_Create with pixels instead of virtual coordinates.

func int Button_CreatePxl(var int posx, var int posy, var int width, var int height, var string tex, var func on_enter, var func on_leave, var func on_click)
  • var int posx
    The horizontal position of the button in pixels
  • var int posy
    The vertical position of the button in pixels
  • var int width
    Width of the button in pixels
  • var int height
    Height of the button in pixels
  • var string tex
    Name of the button texture
  • var func on_enter
    This function is called when the mouse enters the button
  • var func on_leave
    This function is called when the mouse leaves the button
  • var func on_click
    This function is called when the user performs a mouse click on the button (left mouse button)

Return value

The function returns a handle to created button.


Completely deletes a button.

func void Button_Delete(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create


Shows the button and makes it respond to the mouse.

func void Button_Show(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create


Hides the button and disables it, so it is no longer responding to the mouse.

func void Button_Hide(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create


Sets the texture of the button.

func void Button_SetTexture(var int hndl, var string tex)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var string tex
    Name of the new texture


Displays a centered text on the button.

func void Button_SetCaption(var int hndl, var string caption, var string font)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var string caption
    The text to be displayed
  • var string font
    The font in which the text should be displayed


Attaches a mouseover box to the cursor.

func void Button_CreateMouseover(var string text, var string font)
  • var string text
    The text in the mouseover box
  • var string font
    The font of the text


Deletes the mouseover box.

func void Button_DeleteMouseover()


Activates the button, so it reacts to the mouse. Does not change the visibility.

func void Button_Activate(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create


Disables the button, so it no longer reacts to the mouse.

func void Button_Deactivate(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create


Sets the user data of the button, an integer, to give the button individual information.

func void Button_SetUserData(var int hndl, var int data)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var int data
    Individual integer of the button (part of the internal _Button class)


Gets the user data of the button.

func int Button_GetUserData(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the user data of the button.


Gets the status of the button as a bit field. See User Constants.

func int Button_GetState(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the status of the button.


Moves the button by the given value in pixels. posx = posx + nposx

func void Button_Move(var int hndl, var int nposx, var int nposy)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var int nposx
    X-axis shift in pixels
  • var int nposy
    Y-axis shift in pixels


Moves the button by the given value in virtual coordinates. posx = posx + nposx

func void Button_Move(var int hndl, var int nposx, var int nposy)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var int nposx
    X-axis shift in virtual coordinates
  • var int nposy
    Y-axis shift in virtual coordinates


Moves a button to the given position in pixels. posx = nposx

func void Button_MoveVrt(var int hndl, var int nposx, var int nposy)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var int nposx
    New horizontal position in pixels
  • var int nposy
    New vertical position in pixels


Moves a button to the given position in virtual coordinates. posx = nvposx

func void Button_MoveVrt(var int hndl, var int nvposx, var int nvposy)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create
  • var int nvposx
    New horizontal position in virtual coordinates
  • var int nvposy
    New vertical position in virtual coordinates


Returns the button's zCView as a handle.

func int Button_GetViewHandle(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the button's zCView as a handle.


Returns the button's zCView as a pointer.

func int Button_GetViewPtr(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the button's zCView as a pointer.


Returns the button's zCView as an object.

func zCView Button_GetView(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the button's zCView as an object.


Returns the pointer to the text of the button.

func int Button_GetCaptionPtr(var int hndl)
  • var int hndl
    Handle returned from Button_Create

Return value

The function returns the pointer to the text of the button.