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This package allows you to hook anywhere in an engine function to run your own Daedalus code.


Zerxes has provided a list of all engine functions for G2, including the number of bytes to fill in for oldInstr. This list can be found here. This should make it possible for everyone to use the HookEngine effectively without IDA.






HookEngine.d on GitHub



Attaches a function to an engine function address.

func void HookEngine(var int address, var int oldInstr, var string function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var string function
    Name of Daedalus function to be called.


Alias to the HookEngine function.

func void HookEngineS(var int address, var int oldInstr, var string function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var string function
    Name of Daedalus function to be called.


Alias to HookEngine with funcID.

func void HookEngineI(var int address, var int oldInstr, var int funcID)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var int funcID
    ID of Daedalus function to be called.


Alias to HookEngine with func parameter.

func void HookEngineF(var int address, var int oldInstr, var func function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var func function
    Daedalus function to be called.


Checks if a hook is already present at a given address.

func var int IsHooked(var int address)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function.

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the hook already exists at the address, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Checks if a hook with a certain function is already present at an address.

func var int IsHook(var int address, var string function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function.
  • var string function
    Name of a function.

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the hook already exists at the address, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Alias to IsHook with a funcID as parameter.

func var int IsHookI(var int address, var int funcID)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function.
  • var int funcID
    ID of a function.

Return value

The function returns TRUE if the hook already exists at the address, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Alias to IsHook with a function as parameter.

func var int IsHookF(var int address, var func function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function.
  • var func function
    Daedalus function.

Return value func parameter The function returns TRUE if the hook already exists at the address, FALSE is returned otherwise.


Removes a function from a hook so that it is no longer called.

func void RemoveHook(var int address, var int oldInstr, var string function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var string function
    Name of Daedalus function that should no longer be called.


Alias to RemoveHook with funcID.

func void RemoveHook(var int address, var int oldInstr, var int funcID)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var int funcID
    ID of Daedalus function that should no longer be called.


Alias for RemoveHook with func parameter.

func void RemoveHook(var int address, var int oldInstr, var func function)
  • var int address
    Address of an engine function to which the function should be attached.
  • var int oldInstr
    The length in bytes of the instruction to be found at address, at least 5 bytes. Can be seen in IDA.
  • var func function
    Daedalus function that should no longer be called.


Replaces an engine function with a Daedalus function.

func void ReplaceEngineFunc(var int address, var int thiscall_numparams, var string replaceFunc)
  • var int address
    Address of the engine function to be replaced.
  • var int thiscall_numparams
    Number of parameters passed to the engine function, if it is a stdcall or thiscall (otherwise 0).
  • var string replaceFunc
    Name of a Daedalus function to be called instead.


Alias to ReplaceEngineFunc with funcID.

func void ReplaceEngineFunc(var int address, var int thiscall_numparams, var int funcID)
  • var int address
    Address of the engine function to be replaced.
  • var int thiscall_numparams
    Number of parameters passed to the engine function, if it is a stdcall or thiscall (otherwise 0).
  • var int funcID
    ID of a Daedalus function to be called instead.


Alias to ReplaceEngineFunc with func parameter.

func void ReplaceEngineFunc(var int address, var int thiscall_numparams, var func function)
  • var int address
    Address of the engine function to be replaced.
  • var int thiscall_numparams
    Number of parameters passed to the engine function, if it is a stdcall or thiscall (otherwise 0).
  • var func function
    Daedalus function to be called instead.


Makes sure that an engine function is simply skipped. This is very delicate and will not always work so easily.

func void DisableEngineFunc(var int address, var int thiscall_numparams)
  • var int address
    Address of the engine function to be skipped.
  • var int thiscall_numparams
    Number of parameters passed to the engine function, if it is a stdcall or thiscall (otherwise 0).


Simple function to replace return FALSE in hook.

func void Hook_ReturnFalse()


Simple function to replace return TRUE in hook.

func void Hook_ReturnTrue()


In addition the HookEngine package implement x86 32-bit registers that can be used to access hooked function parameters.

var int EAX;
var int ECX;
var int EDX;
var int EBX;
var int ESP;
var int EBP;
var int ESI;
var int EDI;