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Quick overview

Author: mud-freak
Platform: G1, G2NotR
Category: Engine, Interface

setBarPositions.d is a script that allows changing position of original gothic bars (HP, Mana, Swim, focus). Changes are directly in the engine, so bars are normally scaled.



Call it in the Init_Global() or other initialization function. Set the manaAlwaysOn and swimAlwaysOn to TRUE/FALSE.

SetBarPositions_Init(manaAlwaysOn, swimAlwaysOn);


setBarPositions.d on WoG forum


To change positions of bars edit the main function SetBarPosition. Look at the examples to see how you can adjust it to your preferences.

func int SetBarPosition(var int barPtr) {
    var oCViewStatusBar bar; bar = _^(barPtr);
    var int x; var int y;

    if (barPtr == MEM_Game.hpBar) {
        // Original
        x = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_X);                                // 10 px from the left
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(10 + bar.zCView_psizey, PS_Y);  // 10 px from the bottom

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.manaBar) {
        // Original
        x = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(10 + bar.zCView_psizex, PS_X);  // 10 px from the right
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(10 + bar.zCView_psizey, PS_Y);  // 10 px from the bottom

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.swimBar) {
        // Original
        x = (PS_VMax - bar.zCView_vsizex) / 2;                        // Centered
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(10 + bar.zCView_psizey, PS_Y);  // 10 px from the bottom

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.focusBar) {
        // Original
        x = (PS_VMax - bar.zCView_vsizex) / 2;                        // Centered
        y = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_Y);                                // 10 px from the top

    return x | (y << 14);


All bars on the left side

 * EXAMPLE: Stacked on the left
func int SetBarPosition(var int barPtr) {
    var oCViewStatusBar bar; bar = _^(barPtr);
    var int x; var int y;

    if (barPtr == MEM_Game.hpBar) {
        x = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_X);
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(6 + 3 * (4 + bar.zCView_psizey), PS_Y);

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.manaBar) {
        x = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_X);
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(6 + 2 * (4 + bar.zCView_psizey), PS_Y);

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.swimBar) {
        x = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_X);
        y = PS_VMax - Print_ToVirtual(6 + 1 * (4 + bar.zCView_psizey), PS_Y);

    } else if (barPtr == MEM_Game.focusBar) {
        // Original
        x = (PS_VMax - bar.zCView_vsizex) / 2;                        // Centered
        y = Print_ToVirtual(10, PS_Y);                                // 10 px from the top

    return x | (y << 14);