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AI - functions for working with AI

Functions to work with the new C_Trigger class and NPC's AI queue.


Adds a funcName function call to the AI queue

func void AI_CallScript(var string funcName,
                        var C_NPC slf,
                        var C_NPC oth) {};
  • funcName - name of the function to be called
  • slf - will be inserted into global self instance
  • oth - will be inserted into global other instance


Creates a trigger script that calls function funcName once every interval in milliseconds

func C_Trigger AI_startTriggerScript(var string funcName, var int interval) {};
  • funcName - name of the function to be called
  • interval - call period in milliseconds
  • return - created C_Trigger instance


Extended version call - Creates a trigger script, that calls function funcName once every interval in milliseconds also updates the self, other and victim global instances based on slf, oth and vct parameters respectively

func C_Trigger AI_startTriggerScriptEx( var string funcName,
                                        var int interval,
                                        var C_NPC slf,
                                        var C_NPC oth,
                                        var C_NPC vct) {};
  • funcName - name of the function to be called
  • interval - call period in milliseconds
  • slf - will be inserted into global self instance
  • oth - will be inserted into global other instance
  • vct - will be inserted into global victim instance
  • return - created C_Trigger instance


Returns a C_Trigger instance from the array of active triggers by the array index ID

func C_Trigger AI_GetTriggerByID(var int ID) {};
  • ID - array id
  • return - active C_Trigger instance


Returns the number of active C_Trigger scripts

func int AI_GetTriggersNum() {};
  • return - number of active C_Trigger scripts


Returns the npc associated with the C_Trigger script based on the ID selfID = 0; otherID = 1; victimID = 2;

func C_NPC AI_GetTriggerNPC(var C_Trigger trigger, var int npcID) {};
  • trigger - C_Trigger script
  • npcID - NPC id
  • return - active C_Trigger instance


Returns the function associated with the specified C_Trigger

func func AI_GetTriggerFunc(var C_Trigger trigger) {};
  • trigger - C_Trigger script
  • return - trigger function


Returns the function name of a function associated with the specified C_Trigger

func string AI_GetTriggerFuncName(var C_Trigger trigger) {};
  • trigger - C_Trigger script
  • return - active C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on the trigger function, starting on the startTrigger trigger

func C_Trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerByFunc(var C_Trigger startTrigger, var func function) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • function - function to be matched
  • return - C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on the trigger function name, starting on the startTrigger trigger

func C_Trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerByFuncName(var C_Trigger startTrigger, var string functionName) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • functionName - name of a function to be matched
  • return - C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on the self trigger parameter, starting on the startTrigger instance set in the trigger

func C_Trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerBySelf(var C_Trigger startTrigger, var C_NPC self) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • self - C_NPC instance
  • return - C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on the other trigger parameter, starting on the startTrigger instance set in the trigger

func C_Trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerByOther(var C_Trigger startTrigger, var C_NPC other) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • other - C_NPC instance
  • return - C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on the victim trigger parameter, starting on the startTrigger instance set in the trigger

func C_Trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerByVictim( var C_Trigger startTrigger, var C_NPC victim ) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • victim - C_NPC instance
  • return - C_Trigger instance


Returns the next trigger in the active trigger array based on all the NPCs set in the trigger script self, other and victim, starting on the startTrigger instance set in the trigger

func c_trigger Ai_GetNextTriggerByNPCs( var C_Trigger startTrigger,
                                        var C_NPC self,
                                        var C_NPC other,
                                        var C_NPC victim) {};
  • startTrigger - C_Trigger script to start the search from
  • self - self C_NPC instance
  • other - other C_NPC instance
  • victim - victim C_NPC instance
  • return - C_Trigger instance