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HLP - help functions

Helper functions generally used for safety checks, to get specific information from the engine or to interface with the configuration .ini files.


Returns TRUE, if a specified NPC has a Vob in focus

func int Hlp_HasFocusVob( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC
  • return - TRUE if npc has a focus Vob, FALSE if it does not


Returns NPC's focus Vob

func instance Hlp_GetFocusVob( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC
  • return - focus vob


Returns the name of NPC's focus vob

func string Hlp_GetFocusVobName( var C_NPC npc ) {};
  • npc - NPC
  • return - focus vob name


Returns the length of a specified string

func int Hlp_GetStringLength( var string str ) {};
  • return - length of str


Checks whether floating point number is valid

func int IsNAN( var float value ) {};
  • return - TRUE if value is NaN, FALSE if value is a valid floating point number


Checks whether key is toggled

func int Hlp_KeyToggled( var int key ) {};
  • key - key code
  • return - TRUE if key is toggled, FALSE if key is not toggled


Checks whether key is pressed

func int Hlp_KeyPressed( var int key ) {};
  • key - key code
  • return - TRUE if key is pressed, FALSE if key is not pressed


Checks whether logical key is toggled

func int Hlp_LogicalKeyToggled( var int key ) {};
  • key - key code
  • return - TRUE if key is toggled, FALSE if key is not toggled


Checks whether the game is paused

func int Hlp_GameOnPause() {};
  • return - TRUE if the game is paused, FALSE if the game is not paused


Opens a message box with a specified message

func void Hlp_MessageBox( var string message ) {};
  • message - message to be printed


Prints a message to the Union debug console

func void Hlp_PrintConsole(var string message) {};
  • message - message to be printed


Checks whether the entry in section in .ini file optName exists

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func int Hlp_OptionIsExists(var string optName, var string section, var string entry) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [GAME]
  • entry - one setting entry like playLogoVideos
  • return - TRUE if the option exists, FALSE if the option does not exist


Read an integer value from specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func int Hlp_ReadOptionInt(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var int default) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [GAME]
  • entry - one setting entry like playLogoVideos
  • default - default value - if the value is empty
  • return - the option value


Read a floating point value from specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func float Hlp_ReadOptionFloat(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var float default) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [INTERFACE]
  • entry - one setting entry like scale
  • default - default value - if the value is empty
  • return - the option value


Read a string value from specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func string Hlp_ReadOptionString(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var string default) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [INTERFACE]
  • entry - one setting entry like scale
  • default - default value - if the value is empty
  • return - the option value


Writes an integer value to specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func void Hlp_WriteOptionInt(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var int value) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [INTERFACE]
  • entry - one setting entry like scale
  • value - value to be written


Writes a floating point value to specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func void Hlp_WriteOptionFloat(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var float value) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [INTERFACE]
  • entry - one setting entry like scale
  • value - value to be written


Writes a string value to specified .ini file, section and entry.

optName values

  • "Gothic"
  • "Mod"
  • "SystemPack"
func void Hlp_WriteOptionString(var string optName, var string section, var string entry, var string value) {};
  • optName - the .ini file
  • section - settings section like [INTERFACE]
  • entry - one setting entry like scale
  • value - value to be written


Returns the name of the current Steam user Returns empty string when not run with Steam

func string Hlp_GetSteamPersonalName() {};
  • return - string containing the Steam username, or an empty string


Calls every event function with the name funcName.

func void Hlp_DoEvent(var string funcName) {};
  • funcName - name of the event function to be called (all of them).