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MOB - interactive object functions

Functions to manipulate interactive objects like destroying MOBs, setting lockpick combination and such.


Marks oCMOB as destroyed, changes the visual to visualDestroyed (if present).

func void Mob_Destroy( var instance object ) {};
  • object - oCMOB to be destroyed


Removes an item from a oCMobContainer

func void Mob_RemoveItem( var instance object, var int item ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • item - item to be removed


Removes specified number of items from a oCMobContainer

func void Mob_RemoveItems( var instance object, var int item, var int cnt ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • item - item to be removed
  • cnt - number of items to be removed


Inserts an item into a oCMobContainer

func void Mob_InsertItem( var instance object, var int item ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • item - item to be inserted


Inserts specified number of items into a oCMobContainer

func void Mob_InsertItems( var instance object, var int item, var int cnt ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • item - item to be inserted
  • cnt - number of items to be inserted


Returns a lock combination of a oCMobContainer

func string Mob_GetLockCombination( var instance object ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • return - lock combination


Sets a lock combination to a oCMobContainer

func void Mob_SetLockCombination( var instance object, var string comb ) {};
  • object - oCMobContainer object
  • comb - lock combination


Returns TRUE if the object is locked

func int Mob_IsLocked( var instance object ) {};
  • object - oCMobLockable object
  • return - TRUE if locked, FALSE if unlocked


Set the lock status of the object

func void Mob_SetLocked( var instance object, var int locked ) {};
  • object - oCMobLockable object
  • locked - lock or unlock the object


Returns the key instance, that unlocks the object

func instance Mob_GetKeyInstance( var instance object ) {};
  • object - oCMobLockable object
  • return - the key C_ITEM instance


Stets the key instance, that unlocks the object

func void Mob_SetKeyInstance( var instance object, var int key ) {};
  • object - oCMobLockable object
  • key - the key C_ITEM instance