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VOB - functions for object manipulation

VOB functions allow you to manipulate game world objects.


Returns the current position of the object in the world

func C_Position Vob_GetVobPosition( var C_Vob vob ) {};
  • vob - vob to ge the position of
  • return - C_Position instance - position of the VOB


Sets the current position of the object in the world

func void Vob_SetVobPosition( var C_Vob vob, var C_Position pos ) {};
  • vob - vob to get the position of
  • pos - new position of the vob


Returns the universal data of the zCVob object

func C_Vob_Data Vob_GetVobData( var C_Vob vob ) {};
  • vob - VOB to get the position of
  • return - general vob data C_Vob_Data


Sets the universal data to a zCVob object

func void Vob_SetVobData( var C_Vob vob, var C_Vob_Data data ) {};
  • vob - VOB to get the position of
  • data - general vob data C_Vob_Data


Returns zCVobLight object data

func C_Light_Data Vob_GetLightData( var C_Vob vobLight ) {};
  • vobLight - vobLight object
  • return - C_Light_Data of the light


Sets the data of a zCVobLight object

func void Vob_SetLightData( var C_Vob vobLight, var C_Light_Data data ) {};
  • vobLight - object to apply the light data to
  • data - C_Light_Data light data to be set


Clears the list of animation colours for the light source

func void Vob_ClearLightAniList( var C_Vob vobLight ) {};
  • vobLight - light vob


Adds a color to the colour list

func void Vob_AddLightAniColor( var C_Vob vobLight, var C_Color col ) {};
  • vobLight - object to apply the colour to
  • col - colour to be applied


Adds a color to the colour list

func void Vob_AddLightAniColorRGB(  var C_Vob vobLight,
                                    var int r,
                                    var int g,
                                    var int b ) {};
  • vobLight - object to apply the colour to
  • r - red colour channel
  • g - green colour channel
  • b - blue colour channel


Returns the data of the oCMOB object

func C_Mob_Data Vob_GetMobData( var C_Vob mob ) {};
  • mob - oCMOB object
  • return - mob data


Sets the data of the oCMOB object

func void Vob_SetMobData( var C_Vob mob, var C_Mob_Data data ) {};
  • mob - oCMOB object
  • data - C_Mob_Data to be set


Returns the data of the oCMobInter object

func MobInter_Data Vob_GetMobInterData( var C_Vob mobInter ) {};
  • mobInter - oCMobInter object
  • return - MobInter_Data of the object


Sets the data of the oCMobInter object

func void Vob_SetMobInterData( var C_Vob mobInter, var C_MobInter_Data data ) {};
  • mobInter - oCMobInter object
  • data - MobInter_Data of the object


Returns the data of the oCMobLockable object

func C_MobLockable_Data Vob_GetMobInterData( var C_Vob mobLock ) {};
  • mobLock - oCMobLockable object
  • data - MobInter_Data of the object
  • return - C_MobLockable_Data of the object


Sets the data of the oCMobLockable object

func void Vob_SetMobInterData( var C_Vob mobLock, var C_MobLockable_Data data ) {};
  • mobLock - oCMobLockable object
  • data - C_MobLockable_Data of the object