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Logical function names

Conditions for when to show or allow the control binding to work are specified using these logic functions. They describe different useful states of the game or user interface, allowing the user to set when will a certain control work.

Cond_FightMode        - player is in the fight mode
Cond_FightModeMelee   - player is in the melee fight mode
Cond_FightModeRange   - player is in the ranged fight mode
Cond_FightModeMagic   - player is in the magical fight mode
Cond_CanShoot         - player is in the aim mode and can shoot now
Cond_CanSneaking      - player is sneaking now
Cond_Diving           - player is diving now
Cond_HasFocusVob      - player has a focus vob
Cond_HasFocusNpc      - player has a focus npc
Cond_OnChooseWeapon   - weapon selection is active
Cond_InventoryIsOpen  - inventory is open
Cond_InTransformation - player is transformed
Cond_VideoIsOpen      - video is playing
Cond_CanLockTarget    - player in the fight mode now and can lock the focus vob
Cond_G1               - this engine is a Gothic 1 (or sequel)
Cond_G2               - this engine is a Gothic 2 NoTR (or classic)
Cond_IsDialogTop      - dialog window is open on the top
Cond_IsDocumentTop    - document object is open on the top
Cond_IsOverlayTop     - gamepad overlay object is open on the top
Cond_IsMenuTop        - game menu is open on the top
Cond_OnSpellBook      - magic selection ring is active
Cond_IsPlayerTalking  - player is talking to someone
Cond_InterfaceIsOpen  - open any interface element
Cond_HasLeftContainer - the left container is open (chest, plunder, trader)
Cond_UsesPicklock     - player is picking a lock now
Cond_IsOnTrade        - player is trading
Cond_IsOverlayTop     - gamepad overlay object is open on the top
Cond_IsMenuTop        - game menu is open on the top